Thursday, June 17, 2010

With love – From the Virtual world

There are certain things in our life that the senior generation cannot understand. They shouldn’t be blamed for it but they should accept it. Many of such things are the vibes we share with our friends. We experience a kind of friendship today that they never witnessed in their youth. Friendship for them is a waste of time, more often than not. They were the better kind you know…they studied more I agree. That mettle is no longer made.

However, even though we do “waste” our time with friends, the virtual world has helped us keep in constant touch with those buggers we waste our time with! Friends from every phase of time, whose old landline numbers and addresses had long changed, came back together. I personally was thrilled to see all my friends from KG grow into such beautiful people!

It became a gradual principle for me to add only the friends I personally know to my Facebook account…maintaining my privacy…although the list had more than 300 friends. (“I cant believe you have more than 200 friends you personally know!”) Then came in Twitter…now very aptly described as “for people you wish you went to school with”. It was a place to interact with people you never met! Where you would never get the “do you wanna fraansip wimmi” requests! Where shockingly only 140 characters did it! Where you could #ashtag things and make them worldwide TTs! Where just a #nowplaying could describe my mood. Where everybody is so beautifully honest.

There I went…and there I met @SI2iJaN @priyamigo @maletwittur and @VanDiablo. We all were campaigning against #ShivSena and supporting @iamsrk . Spreading things like #getwellsoonshivsena got us to follow each other. We campaigned so much that #ShivSena joind twitter ans started following us! Keeping an eye on their enemy. So we wrote #BlockShivSena…and what’s cooler than twitter suspending their account for “suspicious activity” within 5 minutes of their joining! Damn we had become friends! We also played the most awesome virtual holi ever (========>pichhh...throws u in d mud and jumps over). I never thought I could ever call someone I had never met, a friend! But it just kept growing! I met @hackernewbie @waseembits @nisnishu24 @gynelwazlib @arccleo @biorahul @manav_dhiman @karan_jain and so many other tweeps…people with amazing sense of honesty, integrity and pure fun.

But after all its virtual! If I can “waste” my time with real friends…what’s twitter? Even though, I had reached 300 followers, was listed 20 time and was more than 6000 tweets old…one day I had to delete that dear account of mine. In fact it was 2 days ago that I did it. I couldn’t take being reminded what a total waste of my time it was, with every tweet I made. May be it was…maybe it was not. But it sure was therapeutic tweeting every morning my thoughts and reading your thoughts. It was a vent for me! It was a place full of honest young kids who had made for themselves a little world where just 140 characters were enough. I did not realise how important it was for me to be there until I deleted my account. I wanted to rejoin every minute! So I went back and searched for my friends…thinking “What’s the use…who would remember me! After all its just virtual!” But twitter always pleasantly surprises me. I saw my friends discussing that I am gone and missed. How could that be a waste of time! May be ill never understand. But it sure was the most valuable gift the virtual world has given me. Thank you my awesome tweeps! I miss you all too. I am following all your blogs! I just won’t be able to give you more #FF s. Much love! and my much loved *poof* ! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Water balloons in my resume

As I sat in my dirty room, unpacking my transit luggage… I came across some provoking thoughts.
Those dusty brown cartons brought me face to face with my long lost innocence. Beneath all the recent career driven documents, the 21 years of my life lay buried. My old journal that mom secretly read, more journals written in code language, SLAM books from different parts of my life, old school books and notes, photographs stuck between two RS Agarwals, old badges and medals, and my childhood.

They all revealed themselves to me in the most picture perfect manner, as if to remind me of the great friends I have had in my life, that made the journey worthwhile. A torn pocket of my Mothers’ International School shirt….reminded me of Purva (Purva Chawla) the first friend I ever made in my life. In a class full of strangers, (Class 1C), where everybody was being cold to me for maybe I was from Bihar and not from Delhi. Purva was the only one who not only was polite to me but also defended me. I can never thank her enough for that. She is still the angel she was in 1st standard.
That torn pocket also reminded me of my friend Pallavi Sinha, who stood by me till I stayed in MIS. She was and still is as lovely and warm as ever. Nupur Raina, my best buddy in 6th, also as much as angel, was another friend who let me be myself around her. I have had some wonderful times with you all and I wish I never left MIS…so that I could enjoy the ashram cake with you all throughout my school life, if not play in the jungle gym, then at least walk around it discussing our crushes. I miss you all.

That pocket was lying next to my album from Tripura, which contained the pictures of my 13th birthday party. A brief but amazing time of my life! Beneath it was my tie from Bishop Westcott Girls’ School. Oh I cannot even begin to explain how that school changed my life! I am what I am today because of that boarding school. I can never forget the dormitory…the washrooms…being locked in the washrooms…the beatings…and most of all the boarders. Life was life there. in between the pages of a note book I find a letter written to me by Lipika…my personal angel. She wrote that letter to me from her hostel…2 years after Westcott was over. She discussed her life and how it was in Westcott. I SMSed her right there. Ayasha, Ruchira, Shivangi, Shilpi, Bharti and my best buddy Jass”mine”..all my Westcottians…you have no idea how much I love you. I had no idea either, until today.

One carton was done and I moved to the next one. The first notebook that touches my vision in a novel I wrote in 12th, which had all my friends in it. It was our story! I thought I had lost it! My DAV friends! Krishna, Lucky, Apurva and Isha! Oh gosh I miss the burger with you all at PP! remember our music video? I love you all and you must know that.

Oh and what’s this?! My Film making notes! the ink blue AAFT file! Oh that’s love at first sight! It not only gave my passion meaning…it also gave me Deepu, Minu, Aman, Atul, Kevin, Shaila and Monica. Lights Camera Action Cut and the much awaited Pack up! the maggie and coke in the canteen and the productions! And the Fashion SHow and DJ night! i miss you all as much as i love film making!

I could not believe these cartons gave me you all! I thought I already had you guys! No! I didn’t! but now I do! But what more could these cartons give me? I kept unpacking. And I kept on giving me myself back! Yes! I found myself! Or rather what I used to be! Oh some old poetry! Some transforming signatures! Old coloring books! Some promises I made to myself…I could not believe I was that! Where has the innocence gone? In which carton did I lose myself? Why am I so shrewd? Why am I almost savage!? What happened to me?! Why the hell do I have these things preserved if I AM a savage?! Then I came across the transparent file of my resume. It had all my achievements till date that could sell me! However, some old empty water balloons had made their way into the file! Colorful and small balloons on my black and white achievements…reminding me of the days I spent with you all…the days that made me the person I am today…in contrast to the achievements that made me a savage!
It’s hard to find a true friend today…I am blessed to have so many!